La terapia phagica, una grande opportunity, ora anche per i pazienti italiani

Dopo i paesi europei e non solo, arriva anche in Italia con la reppresentanza ufficiale Il Centro di terapia Fagica di Eliava, affiliato all’Istituto di Batteriofagia, Microbiologia e Virologia George Eliava (IBMV).   Parla la representative ufficiale del centro Maka Khachoshvili , mediator and interpreter: “I pazienti italiani avranno l’opportunita di recivere cure da medici altamente qualificati…

Chronic Wound

Patient Education: Chronic Wound   What is a chronic wound? – A chronic wound may be defined as one that is physiologically impaired due to a disruption of the wound healing cycle as a result of impaired angiogenesis, innervation, or cellular migration, among other reasons. Examples of chronic wounds include nonhealing or infected surgical or traumatic…

Diabetic Foot

Patient education: Diabetic foot   What is a Diabetic Foot? – Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that can occur if you have diabetes. High blood sugar (glucose) can injure nerves throughout your body and cause poor blood circulation. Nerve damage can make you lose feeling in your feet. Foot sores and cuts…


Patient education: Prostatitis   What is Prostatitis? – Prostatitis is an infection or inflammation of the prostate gland, a walnut-sized gland situated directly below the bladder in men.What causes Prostatitis? – Prostatitis can be infectious (acute or chronic bacterial prostatitis) or noninfectious origin (Chronic pelvic pain syndrome). Acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis is most commonly…


Patient education: Cystitis   What is Cystitis? – Cystitis is the medical term for inflammation of the bladder. What causes Cystitis? – Cystitis can be infectious (bacterial, viral, yeast induced) or noninfectious (interstitial cystitis,drug-induced cystitis, radiation cystitis, foreign-body cystitis, chemical cystitis and cystitis associated with other conditions) origin. Most cases of bacterial cystitis are caused by…